About Us
This page has original worship songs from our Messianic congregation ( https://www.roshpinah.ca ), and collaborations with friends from other congregations that are presenting offerings to this work of love; coming together in unity with the inspiration of the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Because we have freely received from our Lord, we are freely giving back to Him what musical gifting and anointing He has bestowed upon us. We do so without credit or financial compensation to songwriters or musicians; thus the music is royalty-free.
We aim to worship our Lord Yeshua with complete humility and pray that God will use these songs in any way that serves His purpose. They may be used by others in any way that is in alignment with our Lord's will and prayerfully without monetary gain. May they be sung in worship or re-recorded in excellence by anyone looking to serve, honour and worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Praise be to our Lord Yeshua Ha Mashiach.
The Rosh Pinah Worship Congregation and Friends
As our music is royalty-free, feel free to download and share. Videos are available to watch on our Rosh Pinah Worship Youtube page. https://www.youtube.com/@RoshPinahWorshipTeam
If you have any inquiries or requests for chords/lyrics sheets etc. feel free to send us an email.